Friday 11 January 2013

Swimming and swimmers

"mediocre swimmer" it says in my profile: I swim daily , frees up body mind and soul, (provided it's not too busy). It is also quite a social event, over the years I have met and got to know some interesting people. For someone like myself who likes to draw and paint it can present quite a challenge, testing observational skills and those observations have to be remembered, jotted down in the privacy of the changing cubicle, and then used later: here are some:

as ireached the end of the lane, she turend, to avoid the splash I was making: an interesting view,
but it didn't quite catch it; for one thing, the lady in question was Filippino
so I tried another:

this got more of the angle and the hair, but I smudged the ink across the mouth ( I love using nib pen loaded with sepia ink).
He is a friend of mine, I chattedto him whilst he was changing in his cubicle; he is ver fast swimmer and triathlon man, and also a very accomplished artist. Ii's not a good facial likeness but the pose is about right.
This is his brother waiting for the pool gate to be opened, (06:30) a fine liner A6 based on an an earlier quick sketch.

Let's hear it for the poolside team! Pen lines and colour wash on mountboard.
all shapes and sizes attend! pen line and ink wash.
some quick notes.

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