Wednesday 4 September 2013

Some recent fine liner drawings;people and places

The Hare and the Hermit; recently I was assisting at a confirmation service; in his homily the Bishop mentioned visiting a hermit in the north of England years ago. Suddenly, what he thought was a rabbit arrived and allowed the hermit to fondle his ear. "I didn't know you had a rabbit" said the Bishop. "I haven't, it's a wild hare " replied the hermit. The anecdote stand in the tradition of the Celtic saints noted for their rapprochement with wild creatures.

The lady and the Kite in the cemetery
Someone I know well has been widowed: she spend a lot of time in the graveyard. She described how recently she saw a kite trapped in a tree there. It was telling her something, she's still working it out. Her powerful words formed an image in my mind: this is it, fortunately recently I had done another study in a graveyard:
This graveyard is set in the grounds of St Mary's Church Portchester, a church built 1133 as part of an Abbey which vacated the site twenty years later, part of the transepts were demolished, but the church still functions as a parish church.

This next one is Gosport War Memorial Hospital entrance (south) where I work part-time

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