Friday 27 December 2013

Christmas colours

Christingle; watercolour on postcard

Christ-mass, watercolour on A5 rough

flora not really my thing, but loved the colours in Christmas arrangement of poinsettia, cyclamen an variegated ivy. had fun flooding a postcard with watercolour

Tuesday 17 December 2013

The long view; Advent Gospel

One of the blessings of retirement is the opportunity for the long view. After 40 years of being "up front" it is good to take a step back, participate but in a relaxed way. I realise my mind is filled with images of colours, postures, poses, and moments. Now I'm in a position to draw on them, literally and use them to express what I see. Here is a moment observed last Sunday, the reading of the Gospel. I'm very grateful to the priest and people of St Michael's and All Angels for making me welcome. This a tribute to them.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Mary and Jospeh: health and safety

I heard on the radio recently about a nativity play where the young girl playing Mary had to wear a riding hat because of health and safety. To be fair, the man hiring out the  donkey said it was the fault of his insurance company worried about litigation! It just got me thinking!
dip pen and colourwash on mount board (No pun intended!)