Monday 31 December 2012

Wiseman returning

"and being warned in a dream they returned by a different way"
sepia ink on mountboard

one line in the story of th wisemen visiting the infant Christ tells of them being warned in a dream not to return by the way they came.  It is a profound spiritual truth: when we encounter the Other, we can never be the same again; we have crossed a threshold. 

Sunday 30 December 2012

New Year

Happy New Year to any who visit this blog:
wisdom says keep expectations minimal , but heart and mind open with hope  to new possibilities;
Janus is the two faced god at the threshold:

Saturday 29 December 2012

Thursday 27 December 2012

New Definition of DROUGHT: "rubbish flooding from the mouths of experts before a deluge"

sepia ink and nib pen on paper A4

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Boxing Day: time and space! time to upload some drawings.......
one of the hospitals in which I work has a place for meals, coffee etc and I meet a lot of folk ther: some I see quite often. My favourite characters sit at a table reserved for "grumpy old men": they are far from grumpy and keep inviting me to join them.... I'm biding my time. Meanwhile some drawings:
the character on the right is their apprentice!

and another one:
the apprentice with one of the core members;
finally couldn't resist theis one of the car park attendant:

Saturday 22 December 2012

Happy Christmas to any who visit this blog.
Nativity figures and aloe evera plant; 4.5insx6.5 ins x2 speia fine liner on paper

Monday 10 December 2012

The crazy season of Christmas: I was taken a back by an email from some organisation urging a Christ-free Christmas: for me that was like telling a butcher he should sell vegetables:

Sunday 2 December 2012

Littlecote House; this view doesn't quite include the chapel which was formerly the banqueting hall:

Fine liner on mountboard

the chapel is slightly off stage, left. The garden area fascinates me because on a previous visit as my wife and I walked there we heard the chapel organ playing, nothing I could recognise but something to make you stop and listen. Later a member of staff said" people don't usually hear it during the day, it tends to be at night. It doesn't work , you know, it's not connected to the power!"

This time I heard nothing!